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About ... A Personal Note from Peter

This website is not just another pretty pictures collection that only exists in the virtual reality of the internet, but it is an actual representation of real world objects that I have created over the past years. (For my latest creations please visit my product website morphs.be.)

I had some fifteen years of experience and craftsmanship as a furniture designer and maker, before I ever even considered using computers to aid in the design and manufacturing process.

Nowadays, using the computer is pretty much like using just another tool to assist in and to facilitate the design and development process, as well as several stages of the manufacturing.

Of course it is an extremely valuable asset if one can fall back on years of hands on experience, using all kinds of different materials and techniques and design styles through the years. As much as computer design might speed up some of the actual design and manufacturing, creating unique furniture, like I aim to do, is still pretty much a manual labour of love.

Where in the old days I used to design and create furniture piece by piece, nowadays I design seats for whole theatres, stadiums and major furniture companies.

From a simple set of furniture to the full 1000+ seats of a major theatre requires a different approach, especially if you still want to maintain the same quality standards.

Thanks to modern day computing power and advanced graphics and 3D software I can now design as well as create prototypes and visualize a project, regardless of how big or complex it may be. My clients can preview how everything will ultimately look at the location they're building or rebuilding. They can even walk through the location in a virtual model, and make sure the seats will meet even their highest quality standards.

Real world prototypes will be built, based upon the 3D designs, with all the details that those designs included. Without getting too technical, basically the technical drawings, or the files, that are "the design" are being converted so that they can be used to directly drive the machines that will make the physical parts of the seats. The manufacturing process is based upon the same files that were created during the design phase. The quality levels that can be achieved that way, as well as the productivity increase are considerable.

The amount of control that this direct connection between the design and the manufacturing process gives is a huge benefit when compared to the classic procedures. The time and costs saved by using this approach are remarkable, as is the flexibility of the entire system.

The combination of my thorough understanding of the crafstmanship of being a classic furniture maker, combined with the unique set of tools that I have mastered and that I am currently using has put me in a very unique position. It is true, there are a lot of great designers out there, and I do not claim to be an expert in AutoCAD or any of the usual programs. Actually, I don't really use any of those "regular" programs all that much, because I found out that they were not always the right tools for the job.

My ambition has never been to become a geek, or an expert in some software program. What I needed was to find ways to handle and manage the whole process, end to start, which I did.
That know-how and the practical experience with it is the most important thing I have to offer.

The flexibility of my approach is not even limited to furniture only anymore. I have done several projects for companies that didn't have anything to do with furniture. My experience in 3D design by now allows me to take on other 3D projects as well. Modelling, prototyping, visualisation, presentation; if an original concept is required, count me in.

I hope that this website will be able to bring across some of the enthousiasm and dedication that I have for my profession.

All feedback about this site would be greatly appreciated, and I do hope that even the occasional browser finds something interesting or pleasing to the eye on this site.

Feel free to contact me for any questions in relation to any specific assigments you might have in mind.

I wish you a very nice day, whoever and wherever you may be, and thank you for visiting peterdonders.com.

Kind Regards

Peter Donders

February 12, 2005


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